Then the evening came. Jon, someone I was supposed to go to the game with, never showed up. I get home and his excuse is "I'm sorry I didn't make it....driving to the Metro...I got rearended by some chick in a ford explorer..." Right. And you can't call so I can call someone else to come meet me before the game starts? I hate liars.
So I'm at the game, alone on a Saturday night, pretty pissed about the whole ordeal except the night was so beautiful it was difficult to stay pissed. Until Cordero gives up a three run homer in the ninth to put the Indians up 4-3 where they would stay. So I'm all pissy leaving the stadium and I walk down East Capitol Street back to my car, only my car isn't there. I'm pretty much cursing aloud thinking my car has been towed for no reason, as I'm far enough from the stadium that the parking isn't restricted, and I walk around for about 15 minutes before I remembered that today I parked on Massachusetts instead. When I finally get into my car and start driving, I get behind some kid who no doubt is not old enough to drive - I thought it was an aged senior citizen at first - and it takes me forever to get home.
I do get home, however, just in time to see the Mariners take an 8-0 lead. Oh yeah, this night just keeps getting better.
Fortunately for me, the clock just flipped over to the next day, so I'm going to go to bed and wake up fresh tomorrow for my bike ride to Mount Vernon. Tomorrow I will post some shots of the RFK skyline I took. At least I got something good out of it. (And my god, the night was almost painfully beautiful.)
Here's a photo I took today. At least something else good came out of the day. Boy, I sure am in a bad mood...

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