No they don't.
First of all, it is June, not October. Secondly, what the heck does a team who played in the World Series two decades ago have to do with a team today, especially when a team like the 2007 Royals is one of the jokes of baseball? Thirdly, with the exception of the Royals-Cards series (due to the Missouri factor), not a single one of the other series mentioned is interesting. Yes, that 1991 World Series was a good one, but I'd hardly call the 1997 or 2001 Series memorable for anyone other than fans of the teams involved.
I still like interleague play, but there's too much of it, and there's too much hype about dull series like these. And I hate how all of these interleague series are bunched up! Half of June feels meaningless because of them.
I am looking forward to seeing the Suburb of Los Angeles, California Angels of Orange County play because they are a good team I rarely get a chance to watch, but if there was any faux hype about this Reds-Angels series, I'd roll my eyes at that, too!
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