It used to be that American presidential campaigns began about a year before the actual election. Then, candidates started to announce their candidacies in the summer before the election year. Now, we had candidates announce two years before. By the time the election comes around, we are going to be so sick of my-opponent-is-a-poopyhead television ads, harassing my-opponent-has-an- illegitimate-baby telephone calls, and his-opponent- wet-his-bed-in-second-grade newspaper articles that we are going to want to say "Screw it - give us a king so we don't have to bear this torture anymore!"
The trade deadline is getting to be like that, too. Here we are, June 14, and trade deadline rumors have already been swirling for a month. I find myself saying, "Screw it- just let Norris Hopper play and trade Dunn so I don't have to hear about it anymore!"
Of course, I don't really mean that, just like I don't think we should scrap democracy. It will be a depressing day if Dunner is traded, especially if it turns out like last summer's disaster.
The Trade is dead! Long live the Trade!
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