It was the eighth inning, the Nats were up 5-2, and I was bored. Though I had the tickets in my bag, I hadn't really wanted to go see the Pirates (zzzzzzzz), but as I was standing at the bus stop waiting to go home, I looked up at the beautiful blue sky and decided that it was a nice night for a ballgame. I got to the stadium just in time for the National Anthem.
By the fifth inning I was checking the clock every fifteen minutes or so, wishing the game would go faster. By the seventh I was contemplating leaving. When the eighth came up, I thought about how long it takes me to do the whole Metro to bus thing to get home, and being tired from not sleeping well the night before (stupid Deadbirds), I got up and did the thing that makes me look at people with a burning hatred when they do it: I left.
I am so ashamed and must do penance for my sinful deed. I'll sacrifice something to the baseball gods to appease them. How about sacrificing Tony La Russa on an alter of cold, hard stone?
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