Thursday, March 02, 2006

I want my ESPN TV!

Every baseball season I have a problem. I can't get enough of baseball (that's not the problem,) but I can't always watch as much as I want even though I subscribe to See, the problem arises with blacked out ESPN games. I don't have cable. I don't watch enough television to justify cable, but if I could just get ESPN, I'd be happy. Problem is, you can't get just one cable channel. Yet.

Senator McCain is introducing a bill to entice cable companies to offer per-channel service in addition to cable packages. Hallelujah! But Congress cannot force the companies to offer the service, and there are some powerful folks up against the idea, including the 700 Club led by Batty Robertson, who thinks no one will buy religious programming if you can pick your channels. All they need is a brilliant marketer and problem solved. I want my ESPN and nothing else!

Until then, where in DC is a good baseball bar? I sometimes go to Buffalo Billiards to watch ESPN games, but the set up is not conducive to watching if people have taken the few good spots. I know the Rhino Bar in Georgetown has baseball all over the place, but it is quite an effort to go to GT since there is no free parking or Metro to get there. I'd like to watch the games with other fans packing the bar, but the Dupont area just doesn't have it, so I need some advice. Where is the best baseball bar in DC?

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